Children & Youth Ministry

Connected through Christ to grow and serve in his image

Kidz Music & Praise!

Sundays, 10-10:30am in the Courtyard Classroom.
Want to join the fun? Contact Beckie Steller or just stop by between services! Our time together each week ends with a brief kid’s message.


Grades 6 -12
We are connected through Christ to grow and serve in His image.

LINK meets on the 2nd – 5th Sundays of each month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for fellowship, discussion, and fun. Our discussions help us to better understand how our faith can be lived out as young Christians. We delve into issues of social justice, relationships, hunger, homelessness, and so much more.  We are dedicated to living out our faith through service activities both at Incarnation and in our community. All 6th – 12th graders are encouraged to join us on Sunday evenings.

VBS Camp

July 29 – August 2, 4pm-7pm

Join us this summer for VBS that promises to be OUT OF THIS WORLD! For kids who are in preschool through entering 5th grade.

Register here!

Confirmation 2023-2024

Grade 6-8

Our confirmation program meets on the first and third Sunday of each month, September through May. The curriculum covers instruction on the Old Testament, New Testament and Small Catechism. The meetings are led by Ms. Riley. There is also regular participation from our pastor.  Middle school students who are not seeking to be Confirmed are welcome to attend these sessions.

Youth Trips

Youth are encouraged to travel together for retreats, camps, and youth gatherings.  Each year brings new opportunities for our students. Opportunities also arise for youth to participate in mission trips that can take them to other parts of the world. Small groups have traveled to India to help at the Piyali Learning Center in Kolkata and to Yaoundé, Cameroon to work on renovations of a house for our Center for Girls. We regularly help in Mexico to build houses through our partnership with Project Mercy.  Youth are encouraged to get involved in these missions and others to live into their call as Christians in the world.  Travel may be restricted by age requirements.